About Us

First of all welcome! We hope you enjoy your visit and browsing through our online portfolio.

We are Rob & Cordelia (aka Beth to some) a happily married Irish couple who enjoy photography as one of our main interests. We've been married a number of years now (don't want to show our age) and have been taking photographs of various subjects since we first got together. Both of Beth's parents were professional photographers so it was only natural that they taught her the trade, and with each click of the shutter she aim's to achieve the same level of quality in her photographs. Thankfully through the years she's also been passing on that wisdom to Rob who's still admittedly a work-in-progress.

We started out shooting photographs of modified cars which were published on numerous websites and also in a number of magazines. As time moved on we got our first dog and naturally he became the focus of our attention & camera lens. We've since started showing our Papillons at IKC run dog shows, including Championship and International shows, so what started as taking photographs of our own dogs progressed to friends dogs, and ultimately to all dogs.

Over the past number of years we have been credited as contributors in Show Dogs Ireland magazine, Irish Canine Press and OurDogs Ireland, where our photos and reports from the Open shows (and a limited few Championship shows) have been published. It has been our hope that with more exposure the Open shows might see a better entry and be less at risk of cancellation due to low entry figures. We have also created a number of adverts which have also been displayed in these publications, along with supplying photos for use in other advertisements. Cordelia has also taken the honour of being the first non-staff photographer to shoot the photo for the front cover of Show Dogs Ireland magazine.

As time moves on, we are happy to say that we are now to become part of the official Show Dogs Ireland team, progressing from Contributors to Photographers. Our intention is to continue providing the most comprehensive cover of the Open Shows as we have done for quite some time now.

In between the shows the camera is never far away, and Cordelia in particular has developed a keen eye for landscape and natural photography which is also viewable on this website, while Rob being the child that he is, still has a fondness for all things with an engine fitted.

About this site

Some may wonder why on earth we've created yet another site which will require maintenance and looking after, and the simple answer is that it actually makes things easier for us and was also slightly forced upon us by circumstance. All along we've been publishing photos on FaceBook, Zazzle, Flickr and our own dog website, and as a result of that we have recieved numerous requests to buy prints or for permission to publish our work on other websites or in publications. Up until recently we were able to fulfill these requests personally, but when our local print shop closed down this became unfeasable so we created this site for those people to still be able to get copies of our work. This site allows us to gather all our photos, from all subjects, in the one location where we can organise things easier. Some sections (like the Photo Shoots & Advertisement collections) are not set up for sale and are merely a showcase of our work.

Its only in the early stages yet, but we hope to develop this site as time progresses and we welcome all constructive feedback from visitors.

The Camera & equipment

In the early years we made use of a Fuji Finepix S9500 with a whole host of extras including lens extensions & filters. This has since been superseeded by a Canon 450D using Canon & Tamron lenses. The vast majority of the photos on this site have been taken with the Canon. We still have the Fuji, but its been relegated to a role as a back-up camera (though its also handy for videos when the phone battery is dying).